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Senior Counsel Dennis C. Valet Wins Appeal in First Department

October 30, 2023

Senior Counsel Dennis C. Valet prevailed before the Appellate Division, First Department, affirming the trial court’s decision to enforce a settlement agreement. In the underlying personal injury action, venued in Bronx County, the parties settled all claims through mediation. Because the mediation was virtual, however, the post-mediation memo prepared by the mediator was never executed […]

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Partner Brian Greenwood Obtains Defense Verdict in Medical Malpractice Case

August 9, 2023

Partner Brian Greenwood recently obtained a defense verdict on behalf of his client, an orthopedic surgeon with a subspecialty in foot and ankle surgery, in a case tried in Nassau County Supreme Court.  In this case, the plaintiff had suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon which Brian’s client surgically repaired.  Plaintiff alleged that the anesthesiologist who performed a popliteal nerve block prior to the start […]

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Summary Judgment Successfully Obtained by Attorney Sean Brodersen

June 21, 2023

Associate Sean Brodersen successfully moved for summary judgment in an action venued in Suffolk County.  In this medical malpractice case, the plaintiff sued both individually and as administrator of her husband’s estate to recover damages sustained allegedly when the defendants failed to timely perform pericardiocentesis on the plaintiff’s husband during his hospital admission, resulting in […]

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